You can use webhooks to receive notifications about events that happen in your account. For example, you can use webhooks to receive notifications when a release is created, edited, or deleted.

Creating a webhook

To create a webhook, go to the Integrations page in the Settings section of your account. Click Add webhook and enter the name and URL of the webhook you want to create.

Configuring a webhook

It’s currently not possible to choose which events you want to receive notifications for. You will receive notifications for all events that are supported by the webhook.

Deleting a webhook

To delete a webhook, go to the Integrations page in the Settings section of your account. Click the Delete webhook button next to the webhook you want to delete.

Webhook payload

The payload of a webhook is a JSON object that contains information about the event that triggered the webhook. The payload will contain the following fields:

  • token: A unique identifier for the webhook that can be used to verify the authenticity of the webhook.
  • type: The type of event that triggered the webhook, such as release.created, release.updated, or release.deleted.
  • request: The payload of the request that triggered the webhook, such as metadata of the release that was created, updated, or deleted.

Here is an example of a webhook payload:

    "token": "xxxxxx",
    "type": "release.created",
    "request": {
        "data": {
            "label":{"name":"AJ-28132 Records","score":100},
                    "created":"2024-05-08 18:36:47.196805",
                                "name":"Allo Martin",
                                "name":"Allo Martin",
                                "name":"Allo Martin",
                                "name":"Cecillie Carpenter",
                "displayArtist":"allo & bobby"
            "created":"2024-05-08 18:36:47.117772",
            "updated":"2024-05-08 18:36:47.2137",

Verifying a webhook

To verify the authenticity of a webhook, you can send a POST request to the URL of the webhook with the token field of the payload as a POST field. The webhook should respond with a 200 OK status code if the token is valid or a 401 Unauthorized status code if the token is invalid.

Here is an example of how to verify a webhook using curl:

curl -X POST
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    -d '{"token": "abc"}'